Synopsis: Rio-chan, 20 years old, is a college student who works part-time as a beer saleswoman. - A girlish girl with an innocent appearance and a sweet way of talking came to pay for her study abroad expenses in Italy. - She has only one love experience, and when she tortures a beautiful slender BODY that doesn't know dirt yet, she begins to cry like a spoiled kitten in the room. - She looks like a young girl, but she has a mature body, and she has been pierced violently by her penis over and over again. , nipple groping-nipple licking, chestnut groping from pants, cunnilingus on all fours, fingering, man's nipple licking, blowjob, insertion at missionary position, grind cowgirl position, pile driving piston, doggy style, standing back position, side position, missionary position, boobs firing